OLS OMNI Life Science TIGR Tissue Grinder and Dissociator is the semi-automated, enzyme-free, fast and reproducible approach of generating pure and individual single cells from tissue samples.
TIGR is compatible with standard cell culture consumables 50 ml centrifuge tubes and standard cell strainer for mechanically, non-enzymatic and parallel processing of tissue samples in a reduced processing time.
TIGR is composed of a benchtop instrument and the grinding tube, a sterile disposable with the integrated core unit and cell strainer. The two-part core unit, consisting of rotor and stator inserts is equipped with counter rotating grinding teeth.
One of the main advantages of TIGR is its flexibility. The process parameters time, direction of rotation, acceleration, speed and the number of process steps can be adjusted by the researcher. Indeed, this allows creating an-experiment specific protocol for every application.
Another major advantage is saving time. The dissociation by TIGR was completed in less than two minutes. This is substantially less when benchmarked against other enzyme based technologies, methods that take 60 minutes, especially when multiple samples are processed in parallel.