20 Position Auto N-EVAP Automatic Nitrogen Evaporator
The automatic 20 position N-EVAP is the most advanced instrument Organomation has developed to date. The automatic mode removes samples from the water bath when the designated time cycle has been completed. The automatic concentration cycle reduces the likelihood of loss or damage to samples. A digital control system provides the operator with timed control of gas flow and water bath temperature.
Automation: Samples are raised out of the water bath and the gas flow is shut-off after the timed endpoint has been reached
Flexible: A 9 position large sample instrument can be chosen to accommodate vials with a larger outside diameter in the range of 30-54mm
Gentle: N-EVAP nitrogen evaporators combine nitrogen blow down with a heated bath to gently concentrate delicate samples
Individualized Control: Gas flow can be controlled at each sample position via needle valves
Built-In Digital Controls for Nitrogen & Heat: pressure reducing regulator, electronic timer, digital temperature controller and safety control cover plate
Dual nitrogen filters
High pressure phthalate free tubing for safety
High temperature limit switch for safety
Precision needle valve tube assembly
Precision variable valve technology
Pressurized cylinder technology
Safety circuit breaker
Needles, 4”x19 gauge with chrome plated brass hub and stainless steel shaft