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3 Tips for Choosing the Right Autoclave

10 May 2022

From small benchtop models to larger machines that require considerable floor space, autoclaves are available in many sizes. Different types of autoclaves will also disinfect objects by using heat, chemicals, irradiation, high-pressure application, and filtration.

The market offers a dizzying array of options, how do we choose one that fits us? Below is a guide to help you!

Tips 1: Consider Cost And Warranty

Autoclaves are a powerful way to sterilise medical equipment and supplies. However, there can be a lot of variation in the cost, warranty length, and other features that may matter most for your needs. 

When considering the purchase of a new autoclave, it is important to know what factors should be considered. The first and most obvious consideration would have to do with cost itself. You will need to make sure you find out how often an autoclave needs service or repair before buying an autoclave as this will affect future costs. Not only that, but some units come with a warranty which can offer further peace of mind when buying such an expensive piece of equipment for use on delicate medical instruments.

Therefore, when choosing the best autoclave, you want to make sure your purchase is both affordable and long-lasting enough that it will last for years on end without any breakdowns or hiccups.

Tips 2: Measure the Throughput capacity

Considering your throughput requirements (how large the autoclave sample is and how much you plan on autoclaving) and available laboratory space will help you determine whether the autoclave can handle your needs. You should also think about the size and frequency of loads, and how many people will use it, before selecting the type of autoclave you choose. 

Having a good number of medium-size autoclaves, which can be used staggered, is a significant advantage to large autoclaves, which can create significant backlogs and leave people waiting for hours. It is also advantageous to have many small autoclaves on hand in case of failure since there are many backup autoclaves instead of having the entire operation shut down.

Tips 3: Installation Utilities

Everyone has different requirements for autoclaves, some may require a water supply, while others may prefer no drain. Knowing what you need beforehand will help you save money and make your work run more smoothly.

Additional Tips: Maintenance, Cleaning and Technical Support

Autoclaves, as previously said, require routine maintenance to ensure their safety, proper functionality, and minimal impact on your organization's operations. However, if you have a problem with your autoclave's operation, you should make sure you have access to dependable and high-quality technical support. We give excellent technical assistance all year long at Gaia Science, including the annual mandatory JKKP inspection arrangement.

The Bottom Line

When selecting an autoclave, consider several variables to ensure that it is the greatest fit for your organization's needs, such as the autoclave's capacity, throughput, space requirements, installation, maintenance, quality, and total costs over time. Pre-existing options may not satisfy the modern and ever-changing needs of your organization, whether it's a large corporation or a tiny start-up that requires a versatile, high-quality, and dependable autoclave to keep things going smoothly. Always keep in mind not only short-term costs like selling prices, but also long-term costs like capacity/throughput, performance, and reliability, all of which affect a company's bottom line.

Here in Gaia Science, we know making the right choice of an autoclave can be challenging. Since life is already hard enough, let us help you to make it easier. Our trained team of professionals is ready to help you through the selection process from start to finish. Reach out today to start the conversation. Call us at +603 8065 3889 today or send us a message at