Master your application with Rainin’s E4 XLS+ single channel pipettes. With its advanced features and revolutionary new approach to navigation, the E4 XLS+ raises the bar on pipetting control and simplicity. The E4’s sophistic...
For consistent high-throughput work, nothing compares with the E4 XLS+ multichannel electronic pipette. Fast loading, ergonomic handling and absolute precision across all channels are Rainin hallmarks.
Rainin's Pipet-Lite XLS+ manual single channel pipette blends cutting-edge engineering and innovation to deliver highly reproducible results with exceptional comfort. New elastomeric seals and polymer tip ejectors, along with Rain...
Put the XLS+ multichannel pipette's cutting-edge engineering to work and get a higher volume of precision work done, reproducibly, with exceptional comfort. New elastomeric seals and polymer tip ejectors, along with Rainin's paten...